The Frustrations of Getting Back into Fitness/Nutrition Groove

Jane Quigley
Life After Red Hair
2 min readJul 21, 2016


No going back…

As I’ve written about before, prior to my diagnosis I had just lost 70lbs, felt awesome and was way on track. Then I gained 30lbs back on chemo — not so awesome.

A year later, I’m still getting to know this new me inside and out. My body’s been through a lot — tons of chemicals and procedures, as well as suddenly being shoved into menopause. All of which adds up to a “getting to know you” phase for a body I’ve had all of my life. While I’ve always struggled with weight, I’ve always known how to make the scale move when I focused.

Not anymore.

Now it’s a challenge. Which messes with my head, as I’m still surprised when I look in the mirror at this person who’s looking more and more like my Mom with the salt and pepper hair. Inside, I still think I look like I did last year. The Red Head.

This is how I’m working with what I have right now. I just started the 5:2 FastDiet where I eat responsibly for 5 days and fast (500 cals) 2 days a week. There are a bunch of clinical studies on how this supports a healthy lifestyle, but I can report this after 3 weeks — I’ve lost weight/inches, my chemo “fog” has lifted, my bloodwork looks great and I feel pretty good. I’ve also been working on a Beachbody Piyo fitness challenge, but taking it slow (as per my doctors).

So this is the new normal and the new me. A work in progress.

